Friends of Lake Secession

Formerly known as the "Lake Secession Rocky River Property Owners Association" (LSRRPOA )

Friends of Lake Secession strives to build a strong community and enhance our lifestyle through improvements and beautification around Lake Secession. We are grateful for new and renewed support through monetary and in-kind donations to the Association.

Meet your neighbors and join the lively discussion at our monthly meetings every
first Thursday @6:30 p.m. at the Lake Secession Community Center.
2443 Lake Secession Road. Iva, SC


Application - Printable
Application - Online

Membership Dues are only $25.00 per household
Memberships run from June 1st through May 31st

Dues and Donations support:
Independence Day Fireworks Extravaganza
Christmas Holiday Dinner
Improvements and beautification at the community center.  
Events are FREE to all members!

Custom T-shirts available at Crawford's Country Store, Jets Landing and Midway Marine. Also available to members at the next association meeting. The cost will be $16.00.

Anchor Line Newsletter

One of the main benefits of membership in the “Friends of Lake Secession” is the quarterly “Anchor Line” Newsletter. It is published February, May, August and November from information obtained by members at the monthly meetings and approved by the Executive Board. It is a great vehicle for our members and friends to keep abreast of activities and news from around the lake. Membership in the "Friends of Lake Secession" is $25.00 annually and can be accomplished by completing the application above below and mailing it along with a check to:

Mailing Address:
PO Box 1350
Iva, SC 29655

click below to see the most current issue of the newsletter

Anchor Line Newsletter